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Chongqing Jiaotong University School of Information Summer Visit to Enterprises and Expansion Activities: The Sun Ignites Passion and Explores a New Chapter of Industry-University Integration
发布时间:2024年08月25日 00:57 作者:金其奇 审核:赖星霖 校对:秦熙媛 来源:天游线路检测中心 浏览次数:

In order to further expand the characteristic employment of artificial intelligence and serve Chongqing's "33618" modern manufacturing cluster, at 2:00 pm on August 21, Yang Jianxi, Dean of the School of Information of Chongqing Jiaotong University, Lai Xinglin, Deputy Secretary, Liang Zongbao, Director of the Department of Artificial Intelligence, Jin Qiqi, counselor of the 25th graduates, and student representatives Lan Huimei and Wang Yanhong, went to Cialis Technology Co., Ltd. and Western Zhishu Company for a visit and exchange. The purpose of this summer visit is to deeply explore the new model of talent export and industry-university cooperation and to build a close cooperative relationship between the college and enterprises.

In Cialis Technology Co., Ltd., a group of people and the company's senior management conducted an in-depth talent training research and exchange meeting. At the meeting, Tang Ruyi, vice president of the company, introduced the development history and business areas of Cialis Technology in detail, and Zhang Mingju, director of AI artificial intelligence, focused on the company's robot business. Yang Jianxi, Dean of the School of Information of Chongqing Jiaotong University, introduced the basic situation of the college and expounded the thinking of running a school for the collaborative talent training of information professional groups. He expressed his urgent hope to cooperate with enterprises with strong scientific and technological strengths and rich application scenarios.

During the exchange, Zhu Qianyong, president of the Institute of Intelligence, expressed his expectations for talents with practical ability from the perspective of enterprises. Xu Lin, President of Celis Technology Co., Ltd., elaborated on the importance of shortening the "last mile" between schools and projects. He pointed out that at present, the change of knowledge and technology is accelerating, and the content of textbooks is often difficult to get close to the actual situation of the industry, resulting in difficulties in students' employment. At the same time, companies are also facing the dilemma of high recruitment costs and difficulty in screening suitable talents. In order to achieve the rapid employment of students, Mr. Xu emphasized that students not only need to have profound professional knowledge but also need to have excellent language skills and reporting and presentation skills. He also specifically mentioned that more than 60 outstanding alumni of Chongqing Jiaotong University work in Sailis, which has laid a good foundation for school-enterprise cooperation.

After the meeting, in order to further promote the cooperation process, the School of Information of Chongqing Jiaotong University specially invited Cialis Technology Co., Ltd. to visit the school and discuss the specific details of strategic cooperation in depth according to the company's actual counterpart project experience and cooperation needs, so as to jointly cultivate high-quality talents in line with social needs.

Subsequently, the group went to Western Zhishu Company for a visit. Under the leadership of Yang Zhihan, sales director of the company's education division, Gao Dengrong, project director, and Yin Mingjuan, solution director of the education division, they visited the Western Intelligent Connected Vehicle Demonstration Center. Then, in the conference room discussion, Director Yin Mingjuan introduced the company's composition and main business in detail, and Yang Jianxi, Dean of the School of Information of Chongqing Jiaotong University, once again introduced the basic situation of the college and conducted in-depth discussions on the future talent training goals. Director Yang Zhihan and Director Yin Mingjuan emphasized based on years of industry experience that what enterprises really need is talents who understand the industry, technology and the status quo of the industry, and it is necessary to train students in a targeted manner. In terms of talent recruitment, Deputy Secretary Lai Xinglin invited Western Zhishu and its ecological enterprises to Chongqing Jiaotong University to carry out special recruitment to further strengthen school-enterprise cooperation.

Despite the scorching sun and hot weather, the School of Information of Chongqing Jiaotong University has never stopped visiting enterprises and expanding posts. The two sides will take this visit as an opportunity to deepen cooperation and jointly explore a new path of talent export and industry-university integration so that the cultivation of talent can keep up with the needs of the industry.
